Sunday, January 08, 2012

Andrew Sullivan at The Daily Beast
comments on a review of a book called A Universe From Nothing.

The review is presented in the form of an interview on a blog belonging to Sam Harris. Andrew says this about the author:
"Cosmologist Lawrence M. Krauss believes that the universe probably came from nothingness:"
Now, I know Andrew he has 'faith', and he also tries to come across as showing respect for, and giving voice if not credence to, concepts contrary to his point of view, but it seems a subtle ridicule of the ideas in this book, and the assertions made by the author. The excerpt from the interview certainly suggests the author does not adhere to any religious doctrine, and in fact he refers to Darwin's demonstration of natural selection, and states that he wants "to show something similar about the Universe."

This would certainly suggest to one doing a quick read that the author actually believes there is no god, but the author avoids that with the statement, as well he should. He in fact qualifies his ideas with "We may never prove by science that a Creator is impossible,..." and thus confirms that his ideas are speculation, and have to be considered as such.

It is disappointing that Andrew Sullivan would use such a fallacy in one of his posts.

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