Saturday, August 26, 2006

The Press - My opinion about the press is best summed up in a post I did to the local paper....

In my opinion, watchdog is not a role of the press. Their 'role' is to be objective and inform in a responsible manner. If this happens, a consequence is a government checked by a free press. The founding fathers didn't 'decide' that the press should serve as watchdog; they understood that a free press provides an avenue for CITIZENS to watch for irresponsibility in the government. Putting responsibility for watching the government in the hands of journalists takes it out of the hands of the people. In the hands of the people is where it truly belongs, the press is the tool. It is every citizen's responsibility to stay informed, to use the free press as well as other means to make reasonable and responsible decisions about their government.

It appears the press has been lax, because the citizens have been lax. We do not expect responsibility in our press or our government officials. People don't know enough about the officials they elect, the workings of the government those officials administer, or the history behind good and bad government alike. The people should take this responsibility, not rely on the press. The founding fathers took responsibility, they didn't hand it to the press. When the people decide to govern, and use the press as it should be used, the press will have no choice but to inform the public. It is a natural consequence of an informed, self governing society.

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