Saturday, August 26, 2006

Labor - There is a lot to say about labor. I am opposed to unions, they regulate something that should be and is done by the government. We in this country live in a capitalist society, unions contradict such an economic system. Unions did once serve a purpose, back when citizens had no control of the government, and had to take matters into their own hands to contest the treatment they endured under oppressive employers willing to exploit their fellow human beings. Now, unions simply present another avenue for bureaucratic exploitation of of the people that put them in office.

Menial labor should be mandatory in this country after high school. Sure, this is a little socialistic, but people always get a better perspective of life in general after doing some type of manual labor. I think it should be required of everyone out of high school, before going on to college. Of course military service should satisfy this requirement. This would solve a number of problems. The labor required would be such things as farm work, basic construction, and the like. This would encourage kids to get out of the house after high school, and they would be doing a lot of the jobs that illegal immigrants are hired for.

I also think manual labor is highly underrated. Success in this country doesn't include working hard at menial labor. Menial labourers as a group are frowned upon by most people that won't do it, and this is strange because on an individual basis, a person is judged admirably if they have a good work ethic and character that allows them to make a living and be self sufficient in such a manner.

One more thing on labor...

Do we not see that a state grows rich by the industry of its citizens, and is plundered by the rapacity of its rulers?

--Desiderius Erasmus

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