Wednesday, November 08, 2006

There was a proposition on the ballot here, two actually, about smoking. There were lots of comments about the results. Of course I had to put my two cents in. I believe I may have said a lot of this in an earlier post, but....

Smoking, as bad for you as it is, is still something personal. People in this country do not understand the individual liberties concepts this country was founded on, that is why they vote for things like this. And don't give me that crap about how second hand smoke is bad for others, there is no overwhelming evidence for this.

That thing that gets me about this article is this line - "Arizona voters spoke loud and clear..." Bullshit. It was not loud and clear, the measure barely passed. They don't even mention that less than half of the eligible voters actually voted. Yeah, that's 'loud and clear'. Give me a break.

If you think about it, it won't make much of a difference. I see everyone talking about the 'bars'. They will get around this little proposition if they don't want to alienate the smokers. There is a clause that smoking will be allowed in private establishments not open to the public, so they just have to declare themselves so, charge a membership, and let everyone smoke.

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