Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Boehner's predecessor, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, suggested Republicans were largely at fault for their losses.

"We took a whipping last night, and we understand that," DeLay told CNN's "American Morning." "The Democrats didn't win; the Republicans lost."

Democrats put together a sound coalition, and they voted against Republicans because "they hate this [Iraq] war, period. They don't want to fight this war," he said. There also are conservatives who oppose the war, stances that are a recipe for defeat, DeLay added.

First of all, why is anyone putting this shit on the Internet. Who the hell cares what DeLay says? Second, Democrats didn't put together a coalition. The majority of the voters want democrats. There are those .... I'm getting off track. There was no coalition. Hell, most of the voters didn't even vote! In our state, it was less than half.

Ok, my main point is that DeLay is dishonest, as are most in Congress. He was stupid enough to be flagrant about his actions. Why are they printing what this moron said.....

Damn, there is too much hate goin around here, I have to get a grip. :)

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