Tuesday, October 31, 2006

First of all, I agree with the conservative view that government financed charity and welfare in this country should be taken back to a bare minimum. I also think our global charity should abate considerably, if not stopped altogether. This leads into my next discussion.

I've read a lot of blogs and commentary that talk about the good we are doing in Iraq. Textbooks handed out, shots given, law enforcement training.

I'm sure there is a lot of good being done. What the proponents of this situation fail to talk about is the cost. I'm not talking about the cost in lives. I'm talking about the cost in dollars. It costs lots of money, but who is footing the bill?

The American taxpayers - a lot of our tax money is going into this effort. Do I have a problem spending money to help someone else? Nope. What I do have a problem with is spending money on someone that refuses to take responsibility for the cost. Another important point in this debate is the fact that the very people that support our efforts in Iraq would also like to scratch any and all welfare systems here in the U.S. More than once I've seen two bumper stickers, right along side each other on the same vehicle, that say Annoy a Liberal; Work, Succeed, Be Happy and Stay the Course.

The first implies liberals would like everyone to lounge while someone else does all the work, which is absurd. The second is telling readers that we are doing good in Iraq, so stay put. Yes, we are doing some honest to goodness beneficent things with our charity.

If you cannot see the fallacy of this logic, you are part of the problem....

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