Friday, August 05, 2011

Finished reading In The Garden of the Beasts by Erik Larson. While reading I came across mention of a speech made by Vice Chancellor Papen, the German text of which can be found here. Below is the speech in English, via Google Translate. I'm sure it isn't perfect, but I will read it nonetheless.

Wording of the Marburg speech

The following text is from the book, the other German Revolution (2009) by Sebastian Maass (p. 135-149) and taken along the wording of the printed publication of the June 1934 (Berlin: Germany AG, 1934). - The Marburg speech was on 17 June 1934 the German Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen (1879-1969) held at the University of Marburg, as the author of the speech is now a lawyer and Conservative politician Edgar Julius Jung (1894-1934).

Jung tried to talk "with to provide leader-friendly phrases'" [1] to make in advance not to destroy any chance of success. Because of the change in government due to the peaceful holding of the 30th January 1933 and the upheavals associated with it a general enthusiasm prevailed, so that "an open declaration of war against the Nazis had little chance of success" would have [2].

Jung gave the speech "a conscious style, criticism from within" [...] in order not to get into the embarrassment of being classified as a state and leaders hostile "[3]. Nevertheless, "Papen's Marburg speech [...] the sharpest public criticism, which has experienced Nazism in Germany, depending on such a scale and breadth of impact of such a leading man" [4].

In retrospect, is the 17th June 1934, "a symbol of conservative resistance" [5]. Jung, who was shot a few days later, has admitted his life for his conviction.

On 21 February 1933, then in the heady days when the Nazis began his reign in the German Reich, I tried in a speech to the Berlin student body to explain the meaning of time reversal. I should say - so I took time off - at one point, which is dedicated to the exploration of truth and intellectual freedom. So I would not admit me to the liberal ideas of truth and freedom. The ultimate truth would be alone with God, and the researchers were only after their exit from this standpoint, its ultimate meaning. At my former versions I tie today, when it's my turn, granted on academic ground - in the medieval jewel in the city of Saint Elizabeth - to stand on, and add that, also like the ideal of objective truth can not be disputed the duty to subjective truth, that is the truth from us Germans is required, we do not want to forgo the most basic foundation of human civilization. This site dedicated to the science seems therefore to be particularly useful to take an account of the veracity of the German people. Because the voices that demand that I should take basic position on the German current affairs and the German states, are becoming more numerous and more urgent. It says I have through the elimination of the Weimar regime and Prussia by the summary of the national movement took such a decisive role in the development of German that my incumbent duty to observe this development sharper than most other Germans. I do not intend to deprive me of this duty. On the contrary - my inner commitment to Adolf Hitler and his work is so great, and so I am connected to the tackled renewal of Germany with my heart and soul, that it would be the human as the statesmanlike point of a mortal sin not to say that, what must be said at this crucial section of the German revolution.

The events of the past fifteen years has gripped the entire German nation and stirred to its depths. Almost like a dream, it is about us that we have from the valley of sorrow, hopelessness, hatred and found the cleavage back to the community of the German nation. The enormous tensions in which we stood since the days of August 1914, broken up, and from them rises again once the German soul, before the glorious and yet so painful history of our people, by the legends of the German hero up to the trenches of Verdun, even down to the street battles of our day passes by.

The unknown soldier of World War II, with the captivating energy and unshakable faith conquered the hearts of his countrymen, has made this soul free. With his field marshal, he has been in the forefront of the nation to the fate of Germany in a new book page aufzuschlagen and restore the spiritual unity.

This unity of spirit we have seen over the noise of a thousand rallies, banners and festivals again place a nation. But now that the enthusiasm flattened, the tough work demands her rights in this process, it appears that the purification process of such historic proportions also produces waste products, of which he has to cleanse itself. Slags of this type are found in all districts of our life in the material and spiritual. Abroad, which are viewed with disfavor, has his finger on these slags and interprets them as a serious process of decomposition. Let it not rejoice too soon, because if we muster the energy to free us from these waste products, then we just show it best, how strong we are as internally and decided to falsify the path of the German revolution does not leave. We know that the rumors and the whispers from the darkness into which they escape, must be pulled out. An open discussion and male avails the German people more than, say, the valve-less state of a press, which is determined by the Reich Minister for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda was that she was "no face" did. This shortcoming is without a doubt. The press was actually there to inform the government about where the defects have crept in, which has corruption entrenched, where serious mistakes are made, where unsuitable men standing in the wrong place, is sin where the spirit of the German Revolution . Like an anonymous or secret intelligence service, he still be so well organized, this task can never replace the press. Because the editor is under certain legal and excessive responsibility, the supplier of anonymous messages, however, are uncontrollable and exposed to the risk of the Byzantine. But if not possible, the appointed organs of public opinion, the mysterious darkness, which seems to spread over time, the German national mood, enough so the statesman himself to intervene and call a spade a spade. Such an approach should prove that the government is strong enough to sustain decent criticism that they are reminded of the old principle, that only weaklings suffer no criticism.

If the foreign claims in the German states had the freedom dies, it will be taught by the openness of my statements above that the German government can afford to put out of the burning questions of the nation to debate. This right, however, only acquire this, who has put himself unreservedly to the Nazis and his works available to him and proved his loyalty. These introductory words were needed to show the spirit in which I store in my job, unreserved account of the German state and German targets, go approach. Now let me briefly outline the situation as I found them, as the fate of my co-responsible for the management of German fortunes made.

The state authorities were in decline and could the resolution of all natural and willed by God not to control connections. The lack of leadership and energy had reached a level that made the German people's desire for a firm hand are getting stronger. The opposition of the front generation and the youth had become irresistible. Corresponded to the general Parteienzerklüftung the spread of a fatal despondency. Unemployment grew and with it the social radicalism. That this evil is not to meet with small means, but through a spiritual and political upheaval, saw not only the right-wing groups of the German people, especially the National Socialist German Workers' Party, but was the general view of the non-party lines bound best of our people. The revaluation of all values, as Nietzsche says, was being prepared mentally, and it is therefore an injustice to the legitimate fight against a certain "intellectualism" is now in such against the "spirit" at all umgemünzt. The historical truth is that the need for a fundamental change of course recognized by such people and operated, was spared the way before the change of a mass party. A claim to a revolutionary or national monopoly for certain groups therefore appears to me as exaggerated, quite apart from that it interferes with the national community.

I'm on 17 March 1933 in Breslau noted, that has evolved in the postwar years, a kind of conservative-revolutionary movement, which differed significantly from Nazism only by the tactics. Since the German revolution against the democratization and its disastrous consequences fought, the new conservatism declined consistently from any further democratization and believed in the possibility of switching off of pluralistic forces from above. National Socialism, however, first went the way of democracy to an end, only to face the not easy questions, however, as the ideas of absolute leadership, the relentless authority of the aristocratic elite and the principle of organic order of the people are realizing. History has given the Nazi tactics right, a finding which prompted the conservative statesmen to the alliance with the Nazi movement during those hours at the beginning of 1933.

On these facts must be referenced when overzealous, sometimes even too young revolutionaries with the slogan "reactionary" and want to dismiss those who underwent in full awareness of the problem which they presented at the time. Because for the real politicians, only the following attitudes are possible: He may misunderstand the needs of the time, and fail at this deficiency, he may be the course of time to pit and therefore subject, but he can make even the champion of what is done relentlessly must be and thus fulfill the commandment of the story. Those who have adopted this attitude is beyond hollow slogans, especially recalls about the reaction, which was suspicious of the way, thank God overcome Marxist passage of time.

In addition, the statesman must still be clear on a second requirement, namely the fact that a new era is indeed a total, recorded so all manifestations of life and life circumstances and changes, but that before this stunning backdrop, the political events of the foreground is going on, on which alone the term of the policy must be applied. The statesman and politician can reform the state, but not life itself the tasks of the life of the reformer and politician are fundamentally different. Realizing this, the leader has in his book "Mein Kampf" does not explain the task of the movement was a religious reformation, but of a political reorganization of our people. The watershed as a total concept defies reason, to a certain degree of state formation. Not all life can be organized, because otherwise mechanized. The state organization is that life is growth. Certainly exist between the living and the organizational relationships and interactions, but they have limits, without risk to life must not be exceeded. Just because it is the essence of a revolution, that the living spirit anrennt against the mechanics. Bolshevism is therefore not the real revolution of the 20th Century, but a slave uprising that would bring about the final mechanization of life. The real revolution of the 20th Century - so I brought out in my speech in Berlin University - is the heroic and god-related personality to lifeless fetters, against suppression of the divine spark, against mechanization and collectivization, which is none other than last degeneration of bourgeois liberalism. Collectivism is the individualism of the mass, which is no longer the whole, but only wants himself.

As a new sense of time arises in a people and growing, it usually knows very little of which is itself at a turning point. He does not make it easy to grasp their meaning. But this much we know from history that a revolution is only a sense of political stamp on a document presented by the story. The new man, as the result of a new era grows, however, the state must be created by human reason. Well-formed, the state also to the people, it would be an illusion to suppose that the fundamental alteration of the human-esteem could be made out by the State. Thus the state may well encourage a view of history and their unification to be concerned. But he can not command them. But it springs from the belief, rooted beyond the State. It is based on accurate research, the disregard of revenge ever. When I think about the problem of historical interpretation for the present, I remember with pleasure the question, who used my history professor to address to me: "How could the German story develops, if Frederick had married the great Maria Theresa?"

The point of the turning point is clear: It's about the choice between believing and the unbelieving people, it is about whether all the eternal values ​​to be secularized or not, whether the process of secularization, the desecration of how he used several centuries ago, to de-divinization of the human spirit and thus leads to the collapse of all civilization, or whether the belief in the transcendent and the eternal world order again feeling, thinking and acting of human beings fundamentally determined. On this historical background, takes the political process and the German revolution. The statesman's task, rotten and decayed forms depreciated values, which promote a new life after pressing eternal values ​​in their growth, they put on the state-based creative design.

Was the liberal revolution of 1789 the revolution against the religio of nationalism, against the bond, then the counter-revolution, which is now in the 20th Century takes place, only to be a conservative in the sense, as it rationalizes and not dissolve, but all life is back under the natural laws of creation. This is probably the reason why also the cultural leader of the Nazi party, Alfred Rosenberg, in Königsberg, spoke of a conservative revolution.

This results in the political field the following clear conclusions: the time of the emancipation of the lowest class against the upper classes is over. It's not about to hold down a level - that would be reactionary - but to prevent getting up one level to the state, and prides itself on being seized claim to totality. Any natural and divine order must be lost so it threatens the revolution in permanence. The state is the rule rather middle of the nation as a whole, in which each state will be separated and each one is biologically by natural selection in its place. True domination but involves the whole nation and pushes back any special status or claim of any one class. The aim of the German revolution, if it wants to be valid and a model for Europe must therefore be the creation of a natural social order, which makes the incessant struggle for mastery over. True power can not be derived from a state or a class.

In this class rule but is still the principle of popular sovereignty gemündet. Therefore, an anti-democratic revolution are intended only to end when it breaks with the principle of popular sovereignty and returns to the natural and divine rule. So should not the disenfranchisement of the people are confused.

Out of democracy can be an anonymous tyranny, while in charge of real rule never to destroy the people's freedom can be derived.

I know how very much wants the leaders that the people a sense of genuine, responsible, righteous rule remains alive. So I think, is the German state dermaleinst his coronation see a head of state, the one-on is always caught the political struggles, the demagoguery and the strife of the economic and class interests.

In addition to the requirement of a rule is the principle of greater responsibility and personal life - are mutually dependent - the need for the foundation of a new social order. The feeling of necessity moved all European nations, which have undergone tremendous changes in industrialization, urbanization, mechanization and capitalization. That these lives longing for social reform especially in Fascism and National Socialism, need not be emphasized. On the other hand, we realize how incredibly difficult it is to revert mass, which lost its connection with blood and soil, back into people, but because the healthy sized bonds and hierarchies have been lost in the liberal era. The Nazis therefore attaches significant importance to the soul of the masses, first to recover for the nation and state. This is done mainly through education, discipline and propaganda. The National Socialist system meets the first task to which the parliamentary system had become too weak: the direct contact with the masses to be restored. It is a kind of direct democracy emerged, which has succeeded to win the state of slippage in the masses again. Behind these time-related need is a revolutionary but a much bigger target: the foundation of a social order based on generally applicable organic forms, not just a deft mastery of the material. During the French Revolution in the parliament and universal suffrage, creating basic shapes, it must be the goal of the conservative revolution to advance through organic development of such estates generally accepted accounting principles. The predominance of a single party in place of the missing multi-party system with law seems to me historically as a transition state, which only has permission as long as it requires the assurance of change and to the new personnel selection comes into operation.

Because the logic of the anti-liberal development requires the principle of an organic political will-formation that is voluntary for all sections of the people. Only organic compounds to overcome the liberal party and provide the kind of national community, which must be at the end of this revolution.

Another crucial fact of this revolution of the 20th Century is the end of cosmopolitanism, which is nothing but the fruit of the liberal idea of ​​the dominating power in the world economy. Contrasts with the nationalist awakening that almost metaphysical reflection on one's own blood sources, the intellectual roots, their shared history and habitat. Only today again that we develop healthy sense of the historical unity of body and soul, language and customs, by their very nature is necessary apart from the state and as a counterpoint to the state. Flow together while in the National Heritage and democracy in one state, we realize once again the fruitful tension between nation and state, from which the state of those forces are fed, without which it becomes clear mechanism. Therefore, even nationalist consciousness is something other than the nation-state perceived nationalism. During this closure to the peoples of each other, to mutual butchery and thus leads to the Balkanization of Europe, has strengthened the nationalist consciousness of the tendency to recognize the sanctity of all ethnic belongings. The nationalist awakening thus makes the way for cooperation übervölkische.

I have already pointed out in Dortmund, that modern technology requires the creation of economic conurbations; that the overseas continents of the fiercest competition taken Europe's living standards could only barely get if it were, the total European costs are lower. The road to this economic education metropolitan areas, as demanded by the age of the airplane and the truck is through sanctification of those people and belongings at the idea of ​​big government mergers, which leave the people unharmed and untouched estates. But this requires the voluntary surrender of a Staatstotalismus who recognizes no intrinsic life grown. This includes above all the insight into the nature of state rule, which permits but nothing that goes against the state, but also does not claim that everything done by the state.

In developing this target image of the German revolution, I'm caught in the middle of the current problem situation, which I faithfully my opening remarks would not go out of his way. The question was raised as a fundamental problem of the era of me, believing in the divorce and unbelieving people affected, the dispute over the constitutional approach. A state must decide whether he wants to be religious or secular. The logic of history demands that the liberal, secular state in 1789 founded the religious state follow the German counter-revolution. One should, however, the religious state, based on a living God's commitment not to confuse, as with a secular state in which worldly values ​​in place of the afterlife beliefs and are set embellished with religious honors. Again a word of the leader from the book "Mein Kampf" where he writes: "I do not hesitate to explain that I was in the men who drag today, the Nationalist movement in the crisis of religious disputes, worse enemies of my people see than the next best set international communists. "Certainly the outward respect for the religious commitment an advance over those irreverent attitude, as it brings to a degenerated rationalism. But we must not forget that religion is the real commitment to God and not to those substitutes that have been introduced precisely because of the materialistic conception of history of Karl Marx in the consciousness of the peoples. Now, if large sections, especially from the standpoint of the totalitarian state and the relentless melting of the people out, a common doctrinal basis demand, so they should not forget that we must be happy to have such a basis in Christianity. You should also consider whether or not the alleged crisis of Christianity - is often claimed to be - a consequence of the arrogance or the lifelessness of the Christian truth of salvation, but if not perhaps the rationalized and liberalized people largely the inner ability to grasp the mystery of Christ, is lost. I am convinced that Christian doctrine is simply the religious form of all Western thought, and that with the reawakening of a new religious forces penetration of the German people also taking place with good Christian, one whose ultimate depth by the 19th Previous century mankind hardly guessed. To this decision, whether the new German Reich will be the Christian or loses in semi-religious sectarianism and materialism will be wrestled. It will be easy if all attempts to influence the state of violence in direction of a violent reformation do not occur. It must be admitted that the resistance is in Christian circles against state or partisan interference in the church a political moment. But only because political interference in the religious district of forcing the victims, for religious reasons to reject unnatural in this area claim to totality. Even as a Catholic, I understand that one built on freedom of conscience, religious belief, it refuses to let the command of politics in her very own. One should therefore not obscure the fact that some forces would trigger forced religious wars in which violence must also fail. It should also be in those circles who hope a new, species-specific religious agreement, once put the question of how they see the fulfillment of the German role in Europe if we turn ourselves voluntarily from the series of Christian nations. Each activity in the European region into seems to be impossible under such conditions. The fact of a common European culture and civilization for which we have contributed so much himself obliged, in spite of all the ethnic specificity of the cultural achievement. We can not conclude at the borders and mentally go voluntarily into a ghetto. Here lies the real reaction, self-closing the face of historical necessity and mission of a nation that, if it was a truly great nation, would still have the idea of ​​empire. The old dichotomy between Welf and Waiblingen, which extends through the whole of German history is alive again and asks for a decision.

Who has been informed about what is taking place in Europe today in the best minds and the noblest souls who feels literally like a new Ghibellines party begins to germinate in Europe, in the ideal bears that aristocratic basic idea of ​​the nature of the the leader speaks, and which is driven by the desire for happy one continent. Innovators have to say, look beyond the temporal advantages and prejudices, to strive for those eternal laws, who lived at all times and among all nations in the yearning of the best.

There is no use to hide from themselves that a certain gap between the intellectual will and the daily practice of the German revolution has opened up. This is not surprising! To counter this danger, one should ask himself the question of the causes of this condition. They are found in the fact that the German revolution - meets the spiritual conversion with a social upheaval - as is often the case in history. The spiritual aims to reverse the aforementioned aristocratic spirit of the nature of social upheaval on the other hand is liable to be influenced to some extent by those dynamics, which at the time helped already political Marxism. In such a situation the leadership faces a tremendous task, the solution of the entire heavy and great resolve of true statesmanship requires. This task has a similar historical situation, Conrad Ferdinand Meyer in his masterful novel, "The Temptation of Pescara" paraphrased exhausting, when he outlines Martin Luther's attitude to the peasant wars as follows: "A world-shaking man has two offices: he takes what the times require but then - and this is a difficult job - it stands like a giant against the splashing spray of the century and throws behind the excited crowds and bad guys who want to join in, just work on the driving and who are a disgrace. "

That this huge office, which is given to all the revolutionary times, exercise is still is not misunderstood. The guide will have to see to it that no new class struggle under other field signs are repeated. She wants to divide the nation as a whole and therefore rejects it as a national merit recognition at all, the people for all time in a privileged class, and in such lesser rights. Such an attitude does not correspond to the almost one hundred percent commitment of the German people from 12 November 1933 for new governance.

While it is obvious that the carriers of the revolutionary principle occupy the first positions of power. But a revolution is completed, so the government only represents the people as a whole, but it is never an exponent of individual groups, they would otherwise fail in the formation of the national community. It must also break with false romantic notions, the 20th in the Century do not fit. So we can not remember to repeat the classification of people according to ancient Greek Spartans and Helots in pattern. At the end of such a development, the Spartans had to do was to keep down the helots, so that the foreign affairs power of Sparta was weakened. In the state of true national community has finally silenced the domestic political battle. Surely there must be a selection. But the spin-off and natural selection principle is not to replace it with a commitment to a particular formation, while the motives remain inscrutable in this confession. That is why National Socialism has always fought to dislodge the party membership by probation and human performance. On the other hand, is not only a noble blood, but also a spiritual principle. It is therefore not to dismiss the mind with the slogan intellectualism. Lack of or entitle primitive intellect not to fight against intellectualism. And if today we sometimes complain about 150 percent Nazis, then there are those intellectuals without soil, such that scientists want to deny their existence by reputation, because they do not have a book party. Which is rooted in the essence and spirit in the blood but full of character, incorruptible, arrested the knowledge and conscience. He is under all circumstances the respect of the nation, because they commit a sin against the creation and denies himself, if she denies the spirit. Let us beware of the danger, the spiritual people of the nation ruled, and we are mindful of the fact that all great things come out of the spirit, even in politics. Let it not that people lacked the spiritual vitality, without which a nation can not be performed. The true spirit is so vital that he sacrifices himself for his beliefs. The confusion of vitality and brutality would betray a worship of violence that would be dangerous for a nation.

Most intellectualism is bad, however, the rule of the slogan. Since there are fundamentally liberal people who speak a sentence without misusing the word liberal. They think that the real humanity would be liberal, but where it is the antique-Christian culture is really a flower. They describe as the liberal concept of freedom, but where it is in fact essentially Germanic. They go against the equality before the judge, the degeneracy is denounced as a liberal, but where it really is just the condition each award. These people suppress that foundation of the state, nor ever, not only in liberal times, Justice said. Their attacks are directed against the security and freedom of the private sphere of life, which has won the German people in the heaviest fighting for centuries.

Even the phrase "men make history" is often misunderstood. Rightly therefore turns the government against a false personality cult, which is the un-Prussian thing you can imagine. Great men are not made by propaganda but by their deeds grow and be recognized by history. Also can not hide these Byzantine laws. Who speaks thus of Prussia is, at first silent and impersonal service, but until recently, did not think, to recognize and reward the best.

The education of a people to serve the state is an obvious imperative and must use all the harder, more translucent it was nursed by the Weimar regime. But we should not fool about the biological and psychological limits of education nothing. The necessity of ending the self-assertion of the real personality. Dangerous for the reactions to the compulsion. As an old soldier I know that strictest discipline must be supplemented by certain freedoms. Even the good soldier, who fell out with unconditional obedience, joy, counted the days of his service time, because the need for freedom is rooted in human nature. The use of military discipline to the total life of a people must therefore keep within limits that do not contravene the human system. Everyone needs hours in which he is the family, recreation or even heard. Recognizing this, the Reich Minister of Education has decreed the Sunday to take back to a day that belongs to the Church and the family. Would be reprehensible but the belief that a people can do with a terrorist. The government will then meet ongoing trials, because they know that every terrorist is the outcome of an evil conscience, which is about the worst consultant who can not afford to lead. The real education, which is always growing, can only be derived from moral principles. Truly moral principles but can only faith in a higher world order to mediate. Patriotism, sacrifice and dedication can only be an issue, if it as a divine commandment rooted in individual human beings.

We should therefore not go into the spell of the polemical slogan of individuals, means nothing. The leader calls on his motion, "that she must never forget that the personal value of the value lies all that is human, that every idea and every performance is the result of the creative power of a man is and that admiration for the greatness is not only a thank-inch these represent, but also wraps a unifying bond to the ends of thanks. "

I have therefore the problems of the German revolution and to outline my position as sharp, because the talk of the second wave, which will complete the revolution, will have no end. Who is playing irresponsibly with such thoughts that should not be denied that a second wave may easily follow a third, that those who threatened with the guillotine, most likely falls under the guillotine. Nor does it appear, to lead where this second wave. There is much talk of the coming socialization. Have we seen an anti-Marxist revolution, to carry out the program of Marxism? For Marxism, any attempt by the social question collectivization of property to solve. This will make the German people richer, its national income grows, it is perhaps better than anyone where the suspect in such a raid loot? Certainly there is a social problem, caused by economic and population policy processes. These are to be mastered but only if the property is again placed under responsibility, not the fact that the collective irresponsibility will be charged at the prevailing principle. It may therefore not be made to the principle of a more and more of their own initiative and accountability remove plan economy. Because who has not noticed that every form of collectivism leads to ineradicable corruption that is so far gone through the world blind.

No nation can afford the eternal revolt from below, if it wants to stand before history. Once the movement must come to an end, once a solid social fabric, held together by an uncontrollable result of justice and an undeniable state power. With eternal dynamics can not be made. Germany may not be a train into the blue, and nobody knows when it comes to a halt. The story flows by itself, it is not necessary to drive them relentlessly. If so should go a second wave of new life through the German Revolution, not as a social revolution, but as a creative accomplishment of the work begun. The statesman is there to create forms, and his only concern is for the state and nation. The state is the sole power and the final guarantor of that to which every citizen is entitled: iron on justice. The state can therefore bear no dualism in the long run, and the question of whether it is possible to feed the duality between the party and state a satisfactory solution, depends on the success of the German revolution and the future of our people.

Would like the government is well informed about all the things that spread to selfishness, lack of character, dishonesty, and arrogance Unritterlichkeit under the guise of the German revolution. She is mistaken not hide the fact that the rich treasure of faith, whom you gave the German people are threatened. If you want people near and solidarity with the people, so one should not underestimate the intelligence of the people, must reciprocate his confidence and did not want to patronize them incessantly. The German people know that his situation is serious, it is feeling the economic hardship, it detects exactly the shortcomings of many born out of need laws, it has a fine sense of violence and injustice, it smiles on clumsy attempts, whether by a false embellishment to deceive. No organization, no matter how loud propaganda in the long run be able alone to maintain confidence. I have therefore the wave of propaganda against the so-called "criticism Aster" interpreted differently, as this was done by some. Not through incitement, especially the youth, not by threats against helpless people parts, but only by trusting the people can debate with the confidence and enthusiasm to be lifted. The people know that he inflicted heavy casualties are expected. It will tolerate it and follow the leader in unshakable loyalty, if you did it with Audience and leaves, although not every word of criticism is construed as bad faith, and if despairing patriots are not branded as enemies of the state.

When the German U-boat war in the lifeblood of England, met the English press, the English people's attention to the full gravity of the danger. The result was that the Englishman stood together as one man for defense. Especially considering the spiritual and material boycott, which we are exposed to the world, this example shows how strong the relationship between leadership and people must be built on trust when it comes to ultimate things. An incapacitated people have no trust to give away.

It is time, in brotherly love and respect for the fellow to close ranks, not to disturb the work of serious men and bring doctrinaire fanatics to silence. The government warns those who see do not want the Germans are a people among peoples heart of Europe, that the sparse, traditional goods, we have saved, must be held together and we can not afford careless destruction of traditional values. We deny the great cultural heritage, we ignore or mistreat the thousand-year history of our people, the three thousand years of our continent, we are the great opportunities that the 20 Century once the core people in Europe, offering miss. World history is now made there, where one looks down smiling to the sick Europe. If Europe wants to maintain his claim to leadership in the world, then another hour to lose in order to devote all his powers of spiritual revival and bury the petty squabbles.

The world is in tremendous changes that lead to only a responsible, disciplined people will. We Germans can work ourselves up from powerlessness to the proper position when we pair with spirit energy, wisdom, with power, experience with intention to commit. History is waiting for us, but only if we prove ourselves worthy of her.

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