Friday, October 06, 2006

There is a 'news' article on CNN today with the headline...

Non-freezing penguin feet and other oddities explained

Now, one would think that, after reading the article, why penguin's feet don't freeze may become clear. Nope, turns out it is a news story about a book that explains this and other things, not a story that explains this 'and other oddities' as the headline suggests.

This, of course, is not really 'news'. Ok, I guess by a stretch it could be considered news, but in my opinion, it could only be news if it states only the facts. The article gushes about the book though. Not a big deal? No, it really isn't, but they are clearly passing off a book review as if it were news, when it belongs in a section that would relate to book reviews. They put it in 'Offbeat News'.

Enough of that. Foley has been in the news for a few days, a week now actually. Republicans are now blaming the Democrats for witholding the information, and fingers are pointing everywhere. The story 'broke' on the 28th, after mysterious emails were posted on a mysterious blog.

Here's a theory. The republicans knew about this. Well, this isn't theory, Republicans have 'come out' and stated they knew about the problem. Anyway, in this possible scenario, Republicans were witholding the info, in order to get into the mainstream media, where they knew it would cause a frenzy. Timed just right so that it came out just days before Bob Woodward's new book came out on the 30th. The Foley story coming to light was orchestrated by Republicans looking to throw Woodward's book into the fog even before its release date.

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